Individualised Care Packages
Individualised packages in the community are designed to give the client with support of carers/advocates maximum control, choice and independence, balancing needs, wants and what is in a person’s best interests. Packages are designed to maximise life opportunities and enable people to take control of their own lives and reach their potential. Any identified routines should assist the individual but give flexibility according to a person’s needs and behaviour.
Independent living support means a home where you are allowed to be yourself, be safe and have good and bad days without judgement or prejudice.
Packages include:
- 24 hour support within individuals’ own home.
- Life long learning / independence.
- Promoting individuality, own identity, own personality.
- One to one support offering flexibility of routine to minimise possible triggers, e.g. re-design of individual packages leading up to birthdays, Christmas etc.
- Flexibility of relaxation and diversion activities as and when required rather than prescriptive organisation of activities.
- Individualised daily programme designed with the individual and carers to promote a safe and happy lifestyle, without unrealistic or unwanted targets or goals.
- Inclusion and interaction with community activities and groups meeting social, educational, leisure and cultural needs.
- Contact with peers, access to community settings.
- Specific and individualised approaches to communication giving informed choices enabling individuals to take control of the decision making, e.g. where they want to go (Morrisons, Asda or Safeway) and how long they have to get ready (anytime between 1 and 4) or what they are going to do within a task.
- Joint approach to aspects of daily living (minimising possible feelings of overload) e.g. “we have 2 hours to get pots washed, anytime – you choose when we are going to do them, are you washing or drying”.
- Packages are also designed to minimalise the hazards and risks of everyday dangers, negative behaviours and fixations.